Friday, January 21, 2011

Heirloom Seeds

I'm growing corn poppies this year - and much more!

Lately, the gardener in me has started to get a slight touch of cabin fever. First, I satisfied myself by splitting several houseplants so that each room in our house contains at least one plant. (They purify the air, you know!) Next, I dressed each houseplant with our first harvest of worm castings. They seem to be loving that!

Next, I planned out our garden for 2011 that we are going to divide between containers at our apartment, and the plot of land at my parent’s house. We could easily grow things like herbs and salad greens at our place; I think they will enjoy the partial shade our patio provides. But most of our hopes like in the long neglected garden patch at my parent’s house.

Most exciting of all, we ordered the heirloom seeds that we will be planting this year. I am looking forward to trying new varieties of familiar plants, and growing many things I have never tried growing before. Our garden when I was a child had the ever productive zucchini and yellow squash, tomatoes and strawberries- the expected, easy-to-grow hybrids we picked up at Home Depot or something. This year, since we don’t have heat lights or room to start our own plants, we’ll pick out some tomato, herb, eggplant, and other heirloom seedlings from our local nursery.

Here’s the list of seeds we have ordered, scheduled to arrive next month sometime. We’ll see how they turn out!

Black Valentine Bush Beans
Delikatesse cucumber
Buttercrunch lettuce
Mache (corn salad)
America spinach
Tom Thumb lettuce
New England Pie pumpkins
Danver’s Half Long carrots
Sugar Ann sweet peas (not the flower, real peas)
Yarrow, Hyssop (to attract bees and good bugs!)
Dill (for pickles!)
Ruby Red swiss chard
Russian Red Kale
Mountain Sweet Yellow watermelon
Corn Poppies (for beauty)


  1. My you are ambitious:) But heirlooms are the way to go if you plant to grow from seed the next year.

  2. Well, if we're going to feed ourselves all summer, we're going to need a lot of food. We are hungry hungry people. :-)

  3. What a great, delicious list. And how lucky you are to have a plot of land big enough for it all :)


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